Kratu Maharaj

About Srila Gurudev

Shriman Kratu Das Adhikari is one of the most respected and beloved Guru/ Spiritual Master in ISKCON (International Society of Krishna Consciousness) in the present time. He is the disciple of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, the founder Acharya of ISKCON. As per the instructions of his Guru, he is spreading the teachings of Lord Chaitanya, in India, Europe, Damodardesh , America, Canada and other places all around the world This is the only aim of his life and he is engaged wholeheartedly since he met his spiritual master almost 52 years ago.

Shriman Kratu Das Adhikari did his post-graduation in Mechanical Engineering from US and was working in one of the leading firms there. Upon a single instruction from his Guru, he left his job and started preaching round the globe, round the clock. He, without taking a break, continuously remain engaged in preaching via various means, including, Bhakti Retreats, Bhajan Sandhyas, Kirtan mela, spritiual tours, pandal programs, Deities installation, and other devotional activities. His biggest gift to the devotees is the books. He has written 27 books on various aspects of Bhakti. These books are based on the evidences and proofs from scriptures, teachings from Srila Prabhupad and also based on his own realisationsand life experiences. The books authored by him establish the importance of Bhaktiyoga in everyone lives to help them to achieve spiritual advancement.

Meeting Srila Prabhupada

Sri Manahar Bhai Patel (Shriman Kratu Das Adhikari) had his first association with Srila Prabhupada in 1970 where his eyes received the divine darshan of a few devotees distributing “Back To Godhead” magazine and his ears came in contact with the blissful Harinaam Kirtan. Fascinated by this, he bought a copy of “Back To Godhead” through which he got the address of an ISKCON center near his residence. He wrote a letter to his wife who was in India at that time, assuring her that there is Krishna, his devotees and Tulasi Maharani in US also. Srimati Kalpana, his wife, arrived in St. Louis in 1971. Both, Sri Manahar and Srimati Kalpana then went to Toronto, Canada where they got divine association with ISKCON and devotees.

Srila Prabhupada visited Toronto in 1975 but unfortunately, they couldn’t meet him as Srimati Kalpana Ben was not well. But as Lord Sri Hari is ever merciful to His devotees, Srila Prabhupada visited Toronto again in 1976 and this time brought a gleaming wave of mercy with him. This time Sri Manahar Bhai Patel and Srimati Kalpana Ben enthusiastically reached the airport to receive Srila Prabhupada. Srimati Kalpana Ben had made a beautiful garland from different colored roses which she handpicked from their own garden. But she was unsure whether Srila Prabhupada would accept it or not. When Srila Prabhupad arrived at the airport, some Sanyasis surrounded Srila Prabhupada and stopped Sri Manahar Bhai Patel from offering his garland. The merciful spiritual master Srila Prabhpad sensed their desire and accepted the garland. As Sri Manahar Bhai Patel bowed down in front of Srila Prabhupad to offer his obeciences, Srila Prabhupada lifted his foot and planted it on his head. Sri Manahar Bhai Patel could not have asked for more, it was not just darshan that he gained, but an unforgettable moment for lifetime. Later, when Srila Prabhupada was in the temple, he started removing all the garlands because of their heavy weight. Srimati Kalpana Ben prayed in her mind ‘Please Prabhupada, wear my garland for some time, kindly don’t remove it’. Srila Prabhupad heard her inner vice. He removed all the garlands but kept her garland on.


Sri Manahar Bhai Patel and Srimati Kalpana Ben both got initiated in the Toronto temple in the following year, that is in 1977 and got the name ‘Kratu Das’ and ‘Amrita Keli Devi Dasi’ respectively.

Shriman Kratu Das Adhikari became a full-time devotee in ISKCON when Srila Prabhupada asked him one day ‘How much are you doing for your body and how much for your soul? What work do you do?’. Kratu Prabhu told that he was an Engineer. Srila Prabhupada instructed him that ‘There are many Engineers in this world, you become a preacher’. Following the instructions of his spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, he immediately decided to leave the work and become full time devotee. He was so committed to follow his spiritual master that he torn off all of his degrees and certificates! He became full time preacher and continue to preach by investing his every moment of his life in spreading the teachings of his spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada.

Bullock Cart Sankirtan Party

After serving Vancouver ISKCON temple as the Temple President for 13 years, Sriman Kratu Prabhu returned back to his own native land of Gujarat in 1993 and stayed for the next 5 years. Here he spread the sweet nectar of the holy name of the Lord length and breadth of the State, in particular the rural areas.

Shriman Kratu Das Adhikari is known for his humility and compassion, hence he had a desire to preach in the smaller villages of the state. He started the “Bullock Cart Sankirtan Party” along with some Russian devotees. He started visiting nearby villages regularly. His preaching activities continued unintruptedly, whether it was hot, cold or rain. He was determined to follow the instructions of his Guru, Srila Prabhupada. He has always kept this very instruction by Srila Prabhupada close to his heart, closer enough to give him motivation every day, day in and day out.

In mornings he used to visit villages and perform Nagar Sankirtan and deliver lectures at various spots. He would spend his day in book distribution because he had unfathomable faith on Srila Prabhupada’s writings. He knew that one day when someone would read these books, he would definitely understand the philosophy and would connect to it.

In evenings he would gather the villagers and show them pictures and videos of Srila Prabhupada’s worldwide preaching activities. This was his every day’s routine. Gradually, the awareness spread and people started engaging themselves in these activities and and offering prasadam to him and his group.

The manifestation of the love for Shriman Kratu Das Adhikari could still be felt when one visits his village. Each of the devotees and other resident of these villages, including Muslims, welcome him and all his disciples with utmost love and care.

Serving Delhi Temple

After inspiring thousands of the souls, HH Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj (present GBC, ISKCON) told Kratu Prabhu to move to New Delhi and serve Sri Sri Radha Parthsarathi temple in East of Kailash. He came to Delhi in 1997 and was made the temple president. In his tenure of five years, he made significant changes in the temple for the benefit of the devotees. He introduced the concept of Bhakti Vriksha and conducted various house programs which attracted a lot of youth. He made almost 300-400 life members during this time and started the tradition of greeting visitors with pictures of Srila Prabhupada and the Lordship at the counter.

He would take group of devotees for Morning walks on Saturdays after Mangala Arati and would perform Congregational Chanting of the Holy Name in different public parks, therefore, attracting a large number of people to the Holy Name. One of the major contributions made by Kratu Prabhu was the establishment of the Japa Club. He would personally stand near the Garuda Dev pillar greeting everyone with a warm smile and a wave of love. He enthused the visitors to chant the holy name by giving each one of them Japa beads and would tell them ‘Don’t try to control your mind, just try to chant the Holy Name’.

To take this forward, he got 108 flowers painted around Garuda Dev pillar where he encouraged the visitors to chant one holy mantra on each flower and would often state ‘जो आएगा नाम पाएगा’.

He firmly believes in Love, Trust and Cooperation amongst devotees and hence provided certificates and gifts to the devotees participating in the Japa Marathon. He stayed in personal touch with devotees and encouraged the similar feeling of Love in everyone. He would even bow down to greet the younger kids with immense affection. By such gestures, he would give life to his own words- ‘We have to train ourselves to see Krishna everywhere and in everyone.’

A large number of devotees considered these qualities of Shriman Kratu Das as divine and started following him religiously. Soon, in 2002, GBC made Kratu Prabhu, Shriman Kratu Das Adhikari and he became an initiating Guru in the ISKCON.

Shriman Kratu Das Adhikari presently resides in Vrindavan and travels around the globe and round the clock for preaching activities. He regularly conducts spiritual trips, Braj Yatras in Kartik, Bhakti retreats, Kirtan melas and Bhajan Sandhyas throughout the year.

Temple at Aligarh

He is presently supervising the construction of the ISKCON Aligarh temple and Krishna Balaram Gurukul in Aligarh. There are many new centers coming up in Aligarh, Varanasi etc. under his technical expertise and devotional guidance. Srila Prabhupada used to say “My temples are non-different from Vrindavan, or any other holy dham”. Following the footsteps of Srila Prabhupada, his disciples and followers have, and are, constructing many temples in various parts of the world. The prime objective to construct these temples is to spread the divine message of Lord Sri Chaitanya to one and all. Also, these temples are the places where people come to get the divine and beautiful darshan of the Lord. These temples are also educational institutes where Vedic knowledge is being imparted. They provide a platform to perform numerous personal services to the Lord and to His devotees. Lord Sri Hari has chosen Kratu Das Adhikari, to construct the first ever ISKCON Temple in Aligarh.

Preaching activities in Aligarh started by HG Rasraj Das, along with his wife, in 2011 under the guidance of Sriman Kratu Das Adhikari. Initially, the number of devotees associated with was less but gradually their preaching activities flourished in the course of which they met ‘Dr. Maheshwar Pratap Varshney’. He has spent his entire life in devotion to Srimad Bhagwad Gita. He owns a huge college of 15-20 editions of Bhagwad Gita and also a 25-year-old Bhagwad Gita temple. Krishna planted a desire in his heart to spread his teachings far and wide, and Dr. Varshney found ISKCON to be the worthiest institution which would be able to do so. Hence, Dr. Maheshwar Pratap Varshney donated 4 acres of land in Harduaganj, Aligarh for construction of temple at Aligarh.

Currently, ISKCON Aligarh temple is preaching in various parts of Aligarh. Youth preaching in various schools and colleges is also being carried out at Atrauli. Sriman Kratu Das Adhikari looks at this project of ‘ISKCON Aligarh-Gita Mandir and Education Centre’ as a base of large-scale preaching and for providing better facilities to the devotees.